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EN 50382-1 High temperature cables Part 1: General requirements

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2020-05-07   Browse:600
EN 50382-1 High temperature cables Part 1: General requirements – Standard
EN 50382-1 Railway applications - Railway rolling stock high temperature power cables having special fire performance—Part 1: General requirements

EN 50382-1 High temperature cables Part 1: General requirements – Scope
This Part 1 of EN 50382 specifies the general requirements applicable to the cables given in EN 50382-2. It includes the detailed requirements for the insulating and sheathing materials and other components called up in EN 50382-2. In particular EN 50382-1 specifies those requirements relating to fire safety.

Based on proven experience and reliability over many years these cables are rated for occasional thermal stresses causing ageing equivalent to continuous operational life at a conductor temperature of either 120℃ or 150℃.

NOTE This rating is based upon the polymer defined in 3.1. Before this polymer had gained widespread acceptance in the cable industry, ageing performance had been assessed via long term thermal endurance testing and had been extrapolated to 20000 h using techniques equivalent to those in EN 60216. Subsequent experience in service has demonstrated that the predicted performance levels were correct.

Where extrapolated data is used to predict lifetime in service it should be confirmed with the cable manufacturer, and should be based on a failure mode appropriate to the type of material or cable.

The maximum temperature for short circuit conditions for silicone rubber is 350℃ based on a duration of 5s.

EN 50382-1 High temperature cables Part 1: General requirements – Reference standards
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