FM Approval - Mission
FM Approvals certifies products and services with a unique focus on:
Objectively testing property loss prevention products and services and certifying those that meet rigorous loss prevention standards.
Encouraging the development and use of FM Approved products and services that improve and advance property loss prevention practices.
FM Approval – Products Scope
FM Approvals is an international leader in third-party certification and approval of commercial and industrial products, including:
> Central Station
> Fire Detection, Signaling and Other Electrical Equipment
> Fire Protection Equipment
> Functional Safety Assessment and Certification
> Gas Detection
> General Purpose Electrical Equipment
> Hazardous Location Electrical Equipment
> Materials
> Roofing Products
> Smoke Detection
> Central Station
> Fire Detection, Signaling and Other Electrical Equipment
> Fire Protection Equipment
> Functional Safety Assessment and Certification
> Gas Detection
> General Purpose Electrical Equipment
> Hazardous Location Electrical Equipment
> Materials
> Roofing Products
> Smoke Detection
FM Approval – Procedure
FM Approvals offers worldwide certification and testing services of industrial and commercial property loss prevention products. Recognized and respected across the globe, FM Approvals' certification process assures customers a product has been objectively tested and conforms to the highest international and most national standards. Outlined below is the five-step process to becoming FM Approved:
> Step 1: Manufacturer Request
The manufacturer submits a letter, fax or e-mail to FM Approvals requesting Approval for a product or assembly and provides location, scope of work, model numbers, specifications and applicable sales literature. For customers seeking Approval of products designed for use in Hazardous Locations, fill out our application form and request a quote.
> Step 2: Proposal Issue and Manufacturer Authorization
A proposal letter is sent by FM Approvals with scope of work, cost estimates, schedule, required tests and sample needs to customer. For new customers, a one-time contractual agreement is also mailed for signature (Master Agreement). The manufacturer then authorizes proposal in writing and submits all requested material and information identified in the proposal.
> Step 3: Review, Testing and First Audit
Drawing or specification to product comparisons are made by FM Approvals. If all necessary items are received, testing is scheduled and conducted. The investigator visits the client's facility (if first-time client or new manufacturing location) to review quality control procedures prior to product approval by FM Approvals.
> Step 4: Report, FM APPROVED Mark and Listing
Once testing has been completed successfully, a report is prepared and reviewed for technical accuracy and quality. Samples are retained and archived as necessary, returned to the client or disposed of per client's instructions. FM Approvals sends the final report to the manufacturer. Approval is effective as of date of report. The manufacturer may then label the product as FM Approved and the product is listed in the Approval Guide — an online resource of FM Approvals. FM Approved roofing assemblies are entered into RoofNav, our Web-based software.
> Step 5: Follow-Up Audits
Follow-up audits of manufacturing facilities are required in order to maintain FM Approved status. The frequency of audits is determined in accordance with authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) over the installed product.