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China’s Zhejiang Huafon Spandex to build crude benzene plant

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2012-03-26   Source:PUWORLD   Browse:708

SINGAPORE (ICIS)--China’s Zhejiang Huafon Spandex is planning to build a 230,000 tonne/year crude benzene processing plant at Liaoyang city in Liaoning province as part of the company’s development plan, the company said over the weekend.


The company started building the yuan (CNY) 500m ($79m) unit in March and is planning to start up the unit in September 2013, according to a statement to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.


The plant can produce 120,000 tonnes/year of cyclohexanone, according to the statement.


The producer will use local aromatic resources as feedstock for the plant.


The new unit will help expand the firm’s upstream capacity, the statement said.


Zhejiang Huafon Spandex, a subsidiary of Huafon Group, is a key polyurethane (PU) producer in China.




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