Flame Seal Products Inc. is updating its database to better serve a growing number of customers. By simply answering four questions yaou can help Flame Seal update its database and receive a 10 percent discount on your next order, regardless of size.
“We’ve really expanded this whole operation,” said Flame Seal President Mike Kiser. “We are getting into the real details of promotion on all types of websites and magazines for contractors and architects. It’s all really starting to bear fruit.”
By updating your information through the previous link, you are helping Flame Seal TB set up qualified contractors to better meet your needs. Kiser says this offer will only be availible until May 31.
Flame Seal TB is a thermal and ignition barrier coating company. Flame Seal is also a service-first organization that handles educational training of all codes related to spray foam.
Flame Seal’s training webinars, and seminars, are used to teach contractors, architects, distributors, and sub-distributors about fire codes.
Kiser says that Flame Seal is “cradle-to-grave” for it’s customers, standing behind them 100 percent from start to finish. As a free service, Flame Seal will perform a full evaluation of a project to determine if it’s up to code. Contractors can take advantage of this free service even before they place a first bid.