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Momentive to Raise Prices for Base Epoxy Resins and Intermediates

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2012-08-07   Source:PUWORLD   Browse:552

Momentive Specialty Chemicals Inc. (“Momentive Specialty Chemicals” or the “Company”) announced that it will increase the prices for base epoxy resin products, including liquid epoxy resins (LER) and solid epoxy resins (SER), in the Europe, the Middle East and Africa Region by €130-€150/tonne depending on the product, effective August 15, 2012, or as contracts allow.

Upward ranges in America were announced at $0.05 per pound for Bisphenol A, $0.04 per pound for EPON™ Liquid Epoxy Resins and $0.05 per pound for EPON™ Solid Epoxy Resins.
The pricing adjustment is driven by increases in the cost of key raw materials, including benzene, propylene and acetone.

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