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Fiberglass Boat manufacturing unit on cards

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2011-09-03   Source:OBSEROER   Browse:923

Sialkot—The federal government is actively considering to establish a Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing Unit in near future in the country. Official sources told APP here Wednesday that the concept of initiating the project was to put fisheries sector on modern track by introducing fiberglass boats. The step was being taken for bringing radical changes in fisheries sector by introducing latest technology of fiberglass not only for replacing traditional techniques but also to enhance the volume of exports of the country.


In this Hi-Tech era the fiberglass boats have gained the popularity globally while very few are producers were in the country. Fiberglass made boats had many advantages as compared to wooden made boats. The fiberglass is attractive, lightweight and durable material and it is highly resistant to environment extremes. At present, there are 20,000 registered boats out of which 12,000 boats are wooden made which were not fulfilling the international standard and fishing was being carried through small boats.


According to an estimate over one million people were engaged with industry directly or indirectly and earning their livelihood.


The boat manufacturers in Pakistan were facing multiple problems because majority of boat builders are illiterate and adopted this profession through observation or training from their elders. The proposed manufacturing unit will produce fiberglass boats of 24 and 42 meters length and it will produce six boats of 24 feet and 2 boats 42 feet in first two years but after two years production of boats would be increased to eight boats of 24 feet and two boats of 42 feet each.


The proposed fiberglass project would cost Rs 23.2 million and it expected that this project would be established near coastal belt of the country, sources said.—APP

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