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Reverdia starts operations at the world’s first large-scale plant for bio-based succinic acid

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2012-12-15   Source:PUWORLD   Browse:518

Reverdia, the joint venture between life sciences and materials sciences company DSM and Roquette Frères, a global producer of starch and starch-derivatives, has begun operations in Cassano Spinola, Italy, at a commercial-scale plant producing Biosuccinium™ sustainable succinic acid. The plant, which has a capacity of about 10,000 tonnes/yr, is unique in its kind, being the world’s first dedicated large-scale plant for the production of succinic acid from renewable resources. It is also the only commercial facility to benefit from experience gained using low-pH yeast technology on a demonstration plant scale; Reverdia regards this as essential to be able to promise further improvements in product quality.

Key applications for Biosuccinium™ include polybutylene succinate (PBS) polyester polyols for polyurethanes, coating and composite resins, phthalate-free plasticizers, and 1,4 butanediol. End products include footwear, packaging and paints.
We feel honoured and proud to open this new era in the lives of Reverdia and Biosuccinium™,” says Will van den Tweel, Reverdia’s General Manager. “The new phase will enable direct and indirect customers to start production of commercial scale volumes of materials and end products based on bio-based succinic acid. These will be the first Biosuccinium™-based products to find operational use in industry and to show up on retail shelves.”

Reverdia – powered by DSM + Roquette
Reverdia is dedicated to be the global leader in the market for sustainable succinic acid, focusing on market development by establishing partnerships with direct and indirect customers, building on customer needs and Reverdia strengths.
Combining the knowledge and experience of DSM and Roquette, Reverdia produces and sells Biosuccinium™, the Company’s registered brand of bio-based succinic acid. Biosuccinium™, which is produced using a unique and proprietary low pH yeast technology, enables customers to produce bio-based, high-quality performance materials while at the same time substantially improving their environmental footprint.


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