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Dow Introduces New ENFORCER™ Sport System for Artificial Turf

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2014-02-21   Source:PUWORLD   Browse:813
Dow’s new ENFORCER™ Sport polyurethane backing system enables turf producers to increase yarn yield and consume less energy during production, while maintaining line speed and productivity. Turf field owners benefit from the system with less thermal stress resulting in an improvement of yarn durability. Tufters utilizing the new system can process polyurethane on existing equipment with minimal modifications and the innovative technology allows for easy implementation. Stop by Dow’s booth at the AMI Grass Yarn & Tufters Forum 2014 in Barcelona to learn how this new system can benefit you.
Lower Processing Temperatures – Improved Yields
While conventional coatings require processing temperatures of up to 150 °C for curing, the new polyurethane system can be cured at temperatures of 85 -100 °C, depending on oven efficiency. The typical properties of polyurethane backing such as excellent tuft lock and increased stiffness will be further improved.
Standard coating materials require the yarn to be tufted longer than the final specification due to shrinkage caused by high processing temperatures. The yarn length may vary, resulting in reduced turf performance. Running cooler with the new low temperature catalyzed system will help improve yarn yield, reduce yarn tips and prolong turf life.
Benefits of Polyurethanes
Compared to conventional backings, polyurethanes offer several production and end-product advantages. The process is run solvent-free, i.e. no water or solvents are used to evaporate, allowing for faster line speeds than other coating materials, and less make-up air is required to cure, leading to energy savings.
In addition, the polyurethane system can be tailored to the existing production process, enabling strong tuft lock while at the same time retaining tuft lock properties when wet, due to the hydrophobic nature of polyurethane coatings. During installation, polyurethane backings provide excellent bond to the polyurethane seam adhesives, enabling longer durability.
Dow has a proven track record of offering an innovative portfolio of high-quality resins and technologies for artificial turf system components. From polymer yarn, to elastomeric granules, backing technologies, binders and adhesives, Dow solutions are custom-made to enable sports professionals to create tailor-made surfaces that meet the specific requirements of their respective disciplines.
Learn more about Dow’s new polyurethane system for artificial turf at the ‘Advances in Polyurethane & Its Synergy with the Turf Yarn’ presentation, by Dr. Barbara Bonavoglia, application technology leader at Dow, and Mr. Miguel Uriarte Hernandez, business development leader at Dow, on February 19, 2014, at 3:00 p.m. at The Grass Yarn & Tufters Forum 2014 in Barcelona.
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