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TenCate Advanced Armor to supply composites to Huntington Ingalls Industries

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2014-06-25   Source:CompositesWorld   Browse:1197
TenCate Advanced Armor USA will provide composite armor structures for Huntington Ingalls Industries' Tripoli (LHA 7) amphibious assault ship.

TenCate Advanced Armor USA (Newark, Ohio, USA) reported on June 6 that it has been selected to provide armor materials for Huntington Ingalls Industries for LHA 7. Huntington Ingalls Industries’ latest amphibious assault ship, Tripoli (LHA 7), will incorporate TenCate composite armor.

This advanced armor will support Huntington Ingalls Industries $2.38 billion fixed-price-incentive contract for the detail design and construction of the multipurpose amphibious assault ship. The ship will be built at the company's Ingalls Shipbuilding division.

“We are proud that Huntington has selected TenCate materials to be incorporated into their latest ship,” says Mark Edwards, president of TenCate Advanced Armor USA. “Protecting our sailors remains a top U.S. Department of Defense objective. Our advanced materials and manufacturing capabilities have enabled Ingalls Shipbuilding to incorporate these materials in to their latest ship class.”

The LHA 7 and LHA 6 are the first two ships in the new America class of amphibious assault ships. Tripoli will be 844 ft long and 106 ft wide and will displace 44,971 long tons. The fuel-efficient gas turbine propulsion system will drive the ships in excess of 20 knots. She will accommodate 1,059 crew (65 officers) and 1,687 troops. She will be capable of carrying a Marine Expeditionary Unit, including Marine helicopters, MV-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft and F-35B Lightning II aircraft.

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