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CHINA: TenCate inks protective fabric venture

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2011-09-14   Source: just-stile   Browse:1122

Protective fabrics supplier Royal Ten Cate (TenCate) is teaming up with Chinamex, the official trading platform of the Chinese government, to develop the Chinese market for protective fabrics.


They intend to promote flame-retardant (FR) fabrics for defence, police and emergency response applications where there is growing demand for personal safety and protection.


TenCate, which is already well known for its TenCate Defender M and TenCate Tecasafe Plus fabrics used in military and marine uniforms around the world, has also developed a dedicated product for the Chinese market under the name TenCate Fire Dragon.


Under the new deal, Hong Kong based Wall Street Uniforms International Ltd will operate as TenCate's trading partner, using its local knowledge and contacts to help extend the venture. TenCate will support marketing efforts and provide the expertise necessary to build the market.


Chinamex was established in 2000 with the support of vice Premier Wu Yi and relevant government organizations and aims to boost business between Chinese and foreign companies.


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