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Argosy to open new composites aerospace facility in Taiwan

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2016-04-13   Browse:629
 Argosy International (New York, NY, US) has started construction of its new 2,300 square-meter manufacturing facility in Taiwan. The new facility is located in the Taichung Duty Free Zone and will be qualified to AS9100. It includes a clean room, cutting table, and freezer to process cut-to-shape composite kits. The configuration of the new space will allow the company to provide composite aerospace manufacturers in the Asia Pacific region with composite kitted solutions.
“Argosy Taiwan Aerospace Materials (ATAM) builds on the success of Argosy’s Vendor Managed Inventory program which was originally launched in 2006,” said Ryan Flugel, vice president of sales and marketing at Argosy. “This facility is multi-customer oriented, and can be easily replicated in other locations to support customer’s growth and requirements. We are excited about expanding our manufacturing capabilities with this new large facility. This will enable us to increase capacity and expand our capabilities in providing innovative solutions to our customers.” 

Fire Test to Marine Equipment according to IMO MSC 61(67) / IMO FTPC:
IMO MSC 61(67) / IMO FTPC Part 1: Non-combustibility test
IMO MSC 61(67) / IMO FTPC Part 2: Smoke and toxicity test
IMO MSC 61(67) / IMO FTPC Part 3: Test for A,B and F Class Divisions
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