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India inducts first squadron of domestic made combat aircraft

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India on Friday inducted its first squadron of domestic made Light Combat Aircraft Tejas into Indian Air Force in Bangalore, a boost to the "Make in India" strategy of the government, said local media.
Two of the Tejas supersonic fighter were handed over to the Air Force in the southern Indian city as part of the first Tejas squadron called "Flying Daggers."
Friday marked the end of a 33-year-old wait for an indigenous fighter, but Tejas still has a lot of imported material in it, including its heart a GE engine, according to Times of India.
"Flying Daggers" squadron is expected to reach full strength by 2018-2020. Six more Tejas fighters are expected to be inducted into the squadron by the end of the current financial year by March 2017.
Indian government has been spearheading the "Make in India" strategy aimed at building an independent modern industry, including arms industry.
BSS 7239 Toxicity Test - Fire test to Aircraft material-Boeing Standard
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