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Conductive Composites opens second fiber coating line

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2016-08-29   Browse:1093
Heber City, Utah, announced the addition of a second coated fiber line to its production plant in Cleveland, Utah. “Adding a second coating line to our production plant will essentially double our material supply capabilities to meet demand which has increased dramatically in the past six months,” said Ray Chatelin, vice president of operations.
“Our new fiber plant opened about a year ago and we have already received enough demand to necessitate adding a second production line. I think this speaks to the market need for our materials and products and the value we deliver to our customers,” stated Nathan Hansen, president of Conductive Composites. “This expansion would not be possible without our government partners and federal programs like Title III and SBIR. Additional materials will go to support defense applications, the commercialization of products developed during these programs, and growing commercial business sales.”
IEC 60331-23:Tests for electric cables under fire conditions – Electric data cables
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