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New products make flame resistant fabric market dynamic

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2019-02-01   Browse:1099
 Newer, evolved products being launched every now and then have served to make the flame resistant and retardant fabrics market highly dynamic, according to a recent report. Research and development centres are seen expending significant sums to come up with more cutting-edge flame resistant and retardant fabrics using new types of materials.

The trend of launching new products is expected to drive up the estimated valuation of the market to $7.3 billion by 2026-end, according to a research study on Flame Resistant and Retardant Fabric Market by Fact.MR. The report also projects the market to rise at a steady 6.9 per cent CAGR between 2017 and 2026.

 Flame resistant and retardant fabric are employed for manufacturing furnishing, apparel, and protective garments for application in various industrial sectors including chemical, military, mining, infrastructure & construction, and oil & gas. Stringent regulations regarding industrial safety that maintain workplace safety and govern worker protection norms have been fuelling demand for flame resistant and retardant fabric.

Currently, some of the companies that hold a sway over the flame resistant and retardant fabrics market are Koninklijke Ten Cate NV (TenCate), PBI Performance Products, Inc, and Kaneka Corporation. They are entering into partnerships and collaborations for offering high-quality flame resistant and retardant fabrics and extending their market outreach. They are making workwear, military, and industrial protective fabrics in collaboration with one another and leveraging latest technologies too, to produce more sophisticated flame resistant and retardant fabrics.

The flame resistant and retardant fabrics are seeing massive uptake for making industrial protective clothing. They are particularly useful for workers working in high temperatures. Flame resistant and retardant fabrics also protect them from direct exposure to flames. The oil and gas sector at present is driving most of the demand in the flame resistant and retardant fabrics market. This is because of the risky nature of the job sites where a lot many accidents occur and also the proliferation of onshore and offshore oil and gas exploration. Other sectors fuelling sales in the flame resistant and retardant fabrics market comprise of the military, firefighting, and mining industries, adds Fact.MR.

Europe currently holds a dominant share in the global flame resistant and retardant fabrics market, with respect to both revenue and volume. Robust demand for a wide range of products, to be used in the region’s high-growth and well-established transportation industry, is a key factor propelling the flame resistant and retardant fabrics market in Europe. Germany and Italy are main drivers of the flame resistant and retardant fabrics market in Europe owing to high demand for flame retardant and resistant fabrics from the end-use industries such as automotive. (KD)


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