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Italian white goods manufacturer building two new plants in Poland

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2011-11-28   Source: PUWORLD   Browse:510

Italian white goods manufacturer Indesit (Fabriano; plans to build two new plants for kitchen hoods and plastics parts in Poland’s special economic zone in Lodz. The zone’s administration reports that the investment will amount to about EUR 22.5m, adding that the new facilities will provide for about 250 new jobs.


Indesit reportedly already employs some 3,500 workers in Poland. The manufacturer of household goods such as washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators, stoves and kitchen hoods operates more than 14 plants in Italy, Poland, the UK, Russia and Turkey, with a total workforce of 16,000. Last year the group posted revenues of EUR 2.9 bn (2009: EUR 2.6 bn) and an operative result of EUR 184m (2009: EUR 119m).


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