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Dr. Martin Jung to become new BASF Automotive Research Spokesperson

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2011-12-15   Source: PUWORLD   Browse:568

Dr. Martin Jung (42) will become BASF’s new automotive research spokesperson, effective January 1, 2012. In his new position as Senior Vice President Thermoplastics Research, he will coordinate BASF’s research activities with this customer industry internally and externally. Jung is currently Vice President for Marketing of Amines in Europe .


Prof. Dr. Volker Warzelhan (63), currently automotive research spokesperson and Senior Vice President Thermoplastics Research of the BASF Competence Center Polymer Research will retire effective December 31, 2011.


The automotive industry is one of BASF’s key customer industries, accounting for up to 15 percent of total sales. For more than a decade, a global network – the Global Automotive Steering Committee – has been steering cross-divisional activities with this key industry.


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