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Propylene Oxide Market Witnessed Positive Developments in 2011

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2012-01-09   Source: PUWORLD   Browse:506

RThe propylene oxide market has been witnessing positive sustainable movements during the year of 2011, opposite to the market landscape during the previous recession period. Close-up review of the total propylene oxide market is presented in the new market research study "Propylene Oxide (PO): 2011 World Market Outlook and Forecast up to 2016" recently published by Merchant Research & Consulting Ltd.


The propylene oxide market has been witnessing positive sustainable movements during the year of 2011, opposite to the market landscape during the previous recession period. In 2008-2010 the demand was sluggish and the trading activity indicated steep falls up to 6%.


The propylene oxide market is showing the best statistics in the Asian region. Here the demand is on rise by approximately 8% yearly. New planned and ongoing projects in the emerging markets are to be the key driving forces behind the market expansion. The demand increase in the developed countries of Europe and North America is also positive but incomparable to the Chinese propylene oxide market growth rates.


Close-up review of the total propylene oxide market is presented in the new market research study "Propylene Oxide (PO): 2011 World Market Outlook and Forecast up to 2016". The study examines the market at the world, regional and country levels and offers insightful understanding of the market standing in the past and at present and provides detailed market forecasts through 2016.


The study features information on key market statistics - propylene oxide production and consumption volumes, the trade activity analysis and data on the prices in various periods. It covers major market players' profiles and analyses their competitiveness. Market projections provide for deep knowledge of the market future developments and trends, volumes and prices.


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