Razor wire flat wrap coils are made of high tensile razor wire, clapped into a flat panel formation.
Installation Forms
Flat wrap coils can be used in the following forms:
Installed against the existing smooth wire mesh fence;
Fitted to the welded mesh fence;
Fitted by overlapping the fence mesh;
Installed to the brick wall directly.
Flat wrap coils can be used in the following forms:
Installed against the existing smooth wire mesh fence;
Fitted to the welded mesh fence;
Fitted by overlapping the fence mesh;
Installed to the brick wall directly.
Razor barbed wire products which can be used together or separately to provide security to facilities and houses.

Packing of razor wire: With waterproof paper and woven cloth in rolls. Different coil diameter or coil weights are available at customers' request.
We are a major manufacturer and supplier of high security razor wire fencing products in China supplying Philipine, Singapore, European and Australian market.
Manufacture of High security razor wire barbed tape: Short barb tape in flat loop, short barbed tape in concertina type, and long barb in concertina patern.
Rolls of Razor Wire Barbed Tape, CBT 65 Type

700mm OD, 41 Loops, 10M Length, CBT-65 Single Coil
Material: Stainless steel
Security Razor Wire Coil
Straight Line Razor Wire Fence of different sizes:
For Philipine and Southeast Asian market:
Blade thickness: 0.5mm; core diameter: 2.5mm; blade length: 10mm; blade width: 13mm; blade distance: 26mm
Blade thickness: 0.5mm; core diameter: 2.5mm; blade length: 20mm; blade width: 15mm; blade distance: 33mm
Blade thickness: 0.5mm; core diameter: 2.5mm; blade length: 15mm; blade width: 15mm; blade distance: 33mm
Blade thickness: 0.5mm; core diameter: 2.5mm; blade length: 22mm; blade width: 16mm; blade distance: 36mm
Blade thickness: 0.6mm; core diameter: 2.5mm; blade length: 65mm; blade width: 22mm; blade distance: 102mm
450mm, 500mm are common outside diameter for razor wire coils.
Straight Line Razor Wire Fence of different sizes:
For Philipine and Southeast Asian market:
Blade thickness: 0.5mm; core diameter: 2.5mm; blade length: 10mm; blade width: 13mm; blade distance: 26mm
Blade thickness: 0.5mm; core diameter: 2.5mm; blade length: 20mm; blade width: 15mm; blade distance: 33mm
Blade thickness: 0.5mm; core diameter: 2.5mm; blade length: 15mm; blade width: 15mm; blade distance: 33mm
Blade thickness: 0.5mm; core diameter: 2.5mm; blade length: 22mm; blade width: 16mm; blade distance: 36mm
Blade thickness: 0.6mm; core diameter: 2.5mm; blade length: 65mm; blade width: 22mm; blade distance: 102mm
450mm, 500mm are common outside diameter for razor wire coils.
Concertina Razor Wire, Galvanised, 450mm Diameter CBT-65

Common size 550mm dia. Concertina and 550mm flat loop razor wire, 450mm Diameter CBT-65
Indonesia market:
Material: Wire, ripper razor, concertina, 450 mm coil dia.
Coil diameter : 450 mm
Length per coil : 8 - 10 mtr
Number spiral per coil: 56
Number clips per spiral: 3
Recommanded stretch (56 spiral): 36 ft
Blade : 0.5 mm -+ 0.1 mm thickness, 2.4 - 3.5 mm ripper blade, hot dipped galv. 160 gms/m2
Wire : 2.5 mm -+ 0.1 mm dia., galv 90-230 gms zinc/m2, tensile (maximum) 1500 mpa -+100 mpa
Concertina Razor Wire, Galvanized, Type CBT-60
Outside coil diameter 960 mm
53 loops
single coil
Type CBT-60
Coil 10-15 m
core wire dia 2.5 mm hot dipped galvanized steel
Barbed tapes made of hot dipped galvanized steel
Outside coil diameter 960 mm
53 loops
single coil
Type CBT-60
Coil 10-15 m
core wire dia 2.5 mm hot dipped galvanized steel
Barbed tapes made of hot dipped galvanized steel
Razor Barbed Wire Supported by Bracket for Walls Fence

Stainless Steel Razor Wire for Security Fence Wall, sizes:
BTO 22 (Cross Type), 500 mm loop diameter, 16 meter coil length
CBT 65, 53 loops, in 13 meter coil length