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Gold VIP Mark Gold, Firetc's paid premium service
 This is Firetc's paid advanced premium service including All Silver SERVICE. It leads your global business to being successful as overseas marketing service with on-line / off-line supporting.
Silver VIP Mark Silver, Firetc's paid premium service
 This service helps to attract buyers around the world and it gives you more opportunities with online sales promotion and buyer matching service for your successful business List of service of member

Service Scope Free Member Silver Gold
Charge Method Free Package for 1 year Package for 1 year
Annual fee -- -- --
Allowed to post information Product | Offer | Product | Offer | Product | Offer |
Information priority rank
Homepage products recommendation
Products sales online
Keyword Rank
Own company website
Custom homepage of company
Custom template of company
Domain Binding
Customer Service
Business Opportunity Subscribe
Mail Sending
Inbox capacity 100 1000 1000
Statation mail may be issue daily 20 Open Open
Number of daily inquiries 10 Open Open
Number of daily quotation 10 Open Open
Number of business friendAmount 10 Open Open
Number of trade remind 50 5 Open
Number of business collection 10 Open Open
Number of supply 10 50 100
Number of Purchase 10 50 100
Number of investment 0 0 0
Number of exhibition 0 0 0
Number of news 0 0 0
Number of company brand 0 0 0
Number of upload 0 0 0
Service Scope Free Member Silver Gold

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