Dear Valued Customer:
Effective March 1, 2012, or as soon thereafter as the applicable contract allows,
The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) will increase its price for flexible
VORANOL™, VORALUX™, and SPECFLEX™ polyols by US$0.10/pound and
for all co-polymer polyols by US$0.15/lb.
This increase is in addition to the previously announced US$0.10/lb price
increase for flexible VORANOL™, VORALUX™, and SPECFLEX™ polyols and
co-polymer polyols that is effective for February 17, 2012.
All other contract terms and conditions remain in full force and effect and orders
must comply with established monthly sales levels and contract commitments.
Your Dow sales representative will be contacting you in order to answer any
questions you might have and to review your sales plan volumes.
Dow appreciates your business, and we look forward to our continued